I’m intrigued by the phrase “human nature.” Many indigenous cultures believe the world is populated with spiritual powers that take the shape of animals and plants. In other words, there are many forms of intelligence, not just the human kind. Nature is primed to tell us intriguing, unimaginable and useful secrets. My work continually explores the humanity found in nature. Several years ago, during an early autumn snowstorm, the characteristic eyes of the aspen trees pulled me from my world and into theirs. Since spending time in that world I have come to realize that time of day, seasons, and various environmental conditions are vital in expressing that human condition. Through painting, I attempt to create what happens in nature when I’m not there to observe it. My paintings are strong on color and technique and my conceptual approach is essential to the dramatic composition of every picture. When abstraction occurs, the deconstruction process of the painting and ultimately the subject matter itself becomes a statement about our own human impact on nature. |